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Engineering Drawing

It is of ‘T’ shape, made of well seasoned wood. It has two parts., head and blade. One of thr edge of the blade is the working edge. The blade is screwed to this head such that the working edge is at right angle to head 

The standard ‘T’ square are designated as follows with dimensions shown in mm; as per IS:1360-1989.

Sl. No Designation Blade length
1 T0 1500
2 T1 1000
3 T2 700
4 T3 500

The ‘T’ squares is used with its head against the ebony adge of the drawing board to draw horizontal lines, parallel lines and to guide/hold the setsquares, stencils etc. ‘T’ sqaure should never be used as a hammer or as guide for trimming papers 


Engineering Drawing

  • Instruments