Engineering Drawing-2nd year GROUP-I (Mechanical Trade group).
GROUP-I (Mechanical Trade group).
Following 22 trades have been covered in mechanical trade group.
Engineering Drawing-2nd year GROUP-III (Vessel Navigator - 01 Trade)
- 1.Construction of scales and diagonal scales
- 2.Basic Navigational Chart Work Practice Introduction of a navigational chart. Various type of navigational chart. Parallel Ruler and instruments used. Measurement of distance, sea miles, International nautical mile, geographical mile.
- 3.Great circle, parallels of latitude and Longitudes. Important features of Mercator chart.
Engineering Drawing-2nd year GROUP –II (Electrical, Electronics & IT trade group- 17 Trades).
GROUP –II (Electrical, Electronics & IT trade group- 17 Trades).
(Electroplater, Lift & Accelerator Mechanic, Electrician, Medical Electronics, Technician Mechatronics, Wireman, Electrician Power Distribution, Instrument Mechanic, Technician Power Electronics System, Electronics Mechanic, Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances, Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant),Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant), Laboratory Attendant (Chemical Plant), ICTSM, Information Technology, Computer Hardware and Networking Maintenance )
Engineering Drawing-2nd year GROUP-I (Mechanical Trade group).
Revised Syllabus for Engineering Drawing-2nd year GROUP-I (Mechanical Trade group).
Following 22 trades have been covered in mechanical trade group.
Engineering Drawing-1st year (Common for all Engineering trades under CTS
Revised Syllabus for Engineering Drawing-1st year (Common for all Engineering trades under CTS but not applicable for Draughtsman trade Group)
1.Engineering Drawing – Introduction
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Drawing Instruments –
- Conventions
- Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing sheet as per BIS SP: 46-2003
Engineering Drawing
1 Three phase Induction motor
Free hand sketching of Slip-ring and Squirrel cage Induction motor.
Typical wiring diagram for drum controller operation of A.C. wound rotor motor.
Drawing the schematic diagram of Autotransformer starter, DOL starter and Star Delta
Drawing the schematic diagram of A.C. motor speed control by SCR /AC Drive.
2 Alternator
Tracing of panel wiring diagram of an alternator.
Drawing the schematic diagram of automatic voltage regulators of A.C. generators.
Engineering Drawing
1 Sign & Symbol Trade related
Alternating Current
Drawing of simple electrical circuit using electrical symbols.
Drawing of sine square & triangular waves.
Diagram of battery charging circuit.
Practice in reading typical example of circuit containing R, L & C.
Reading of electrical drawing.
Engineering Drawing
1 Construction of Scales and diagonal scale
2 Practice of Lettering and Title Block
3 Dimensioning practice:
Position of dimensioning (unidirectional, aligned, oblique as per BIS SP:46-2003)
Symbols preceding the value of dimension and dimensional tolerance.
Text of dimension of repeated features, equidistance elements, circumferential
Engineering Drawing
1. Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its importance
Relationship to other technical drawing types
Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
Method of Folding of printed Drawing Sheet as per BIS SP:46-2003
2 Drawing Instruments : their Standard and uses
Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting M/c), Set Squares, Protractor.
Drawing Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc).
Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins / Clips.